Handle With Care! - Items Usually Damaged When Moving and How to Avoid It

YNM Real Estate
20 December 2021

The road to your new home might be a bumpy one at best, so make sure you keep everything safe and secure during the trip.

There are endless stories of homeowners arriving at their destination with nothing more than boxes full of broken glass, spilled liquids, and torn up pieces of what were once pretty little fabrics. But how do you avoid this? – know what items are commonly broken during moves and then properly secure them when packing. Bubble wrap anyone..?

Find out what items are most commonly broken during the big move.

Glass Items – Whether it’s that 10 year old vase that your mom gave you as a Christmas present or the extensive collection of plates and teacups you’ve managed to collect throughout the years, glass items are the most commonly broken things during a move.

They’re fragile and can crack and break with just the slightest movements. Even just nudging the box they’re in the wrong way could lead to shards everywhere. To keep your glassware safe throughout the packing, travel, and unpacking process, it’s important that you see to it that they’re constantly protected. Wrap your glass items in thick fabrics like blankets and pack them along with pillows to give them extra support and cushioning all throughout the process. It also pays to label the box they’re in as fragile for an extra air of caution.

Paintings – If you’re an art enthusiast, you probably have a few expensive paintings hanging around your old place. The last thing you want is for that thousand-dollar portrait to arrive at your new house with a new tear in the canvas. Unless you’re prepared to take on the risk of moving expensive paintings, you should consider hiring an art-transport service to get the job done for you. These professionals come with years of experience in handling and transporting expensive art pieces ensuring that they’re kept safe and free from damage all throughout the moving process.

Furniture – Furniture is often big, bulky, heavy, and irregularly shaped making it a challenge to move them around. Carrying that hardwood table from your living room to the moving van might take more than just two people, and could end up in disaster if not properly executed.

It’s all too common for movers to create dents, scratches, and breaks in your furniture once they arrive at your new space, so make sure you don’t fall victim to the same problem. Cover the corners with bubble wrap or fabric and make sure you have enough people around to carry those big pieces out safely.

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